This is the case feds should have brought against Hunter Biden in the first place

3 min read

Hunter Biden’s indictment on tax charges already is eliciting howls on the left, who feel the case has been “politicized.”

But the details show that the real scandal was the sweetheart deal Hunter was offered in the first place, not what he faces now.

Hunter “spent . . . money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes,” the indictment states.

This wasn’t an ordinary accounting mistake.

Hunter Biden went out of his way to avoid paying taxes and “subverted the payroll and tax withholding process of his own company, Owasco, PC,” the feds allege.

It was a “scheme” to not pay $1.4 million to Uncle Sam but instead give it to Chastity at the Gentlemen’s Club.

After dithering for years, Hunter was originally offered a no-jail, no-fault misdemeanor plea that would send him merrily on his way.


The evidence seems pretty clear that the Justice Department was burying it as a favor to Joe Biden.

It took a small number of brave whistleblowers and a straight-talking judge to stop the sham.

Hunter Biden
The indictment states Hunter Biden “spent . . . money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes.” Hunter Biden Laptop

It has all the elements of a crusade progressive politicians and the liberal media love, yet they’ve scoffed at it every step of the way.

Whistleblowers are heroes when they’re up against Donald Trump, but “not credible” when they speak against the Bidens.

Going after a rich tax dodger is the kind of thing AOC wore a dress for.

Yet some Democrat commentators tried to claim bringing these tax charges was somehow unusual.

Shell companies, foreign payments to a politician’s son — nothing to see here!

Hunter Biden
Federal agents state that Hunter went out of his way to avoid paying taxes and “subverted the payroll and tax withholding process of his own company, Owasco, PC.”

The House will continue to investigate how Joe Biden benefited from his son’s influence peddling to Ukraine and China.

But for today, at least, a travesty has been undone.

Hunter Biden will have his day in court, and have to defend his case like anyone else accused of a crime — and not be given a pass in secret backroom deals.

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